Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Music concert poster (2012)

 Okay I cannot find my finalised original copy, hence the very faint fonts. The irregular triangles within the shapes of the instruments closely resemble the cuts on diamonds; through music elective programme, our skills are sharpened and polished till we are like diamonds in musicality and technicality. The different colours represent the myriad of genres because there was no theme for the concert, simply a night of music-making.

Band concert ticket 6cm by 10cm design (2011)

Band concert programme booklet cover page (2011)

Cover page for band concert.

Wanted to depict these streaks as rays of "light" shining out from the darkness.The rainbow-coloured grids represent the colourful nature of music with the various types of ambience, timbres and instrumentation; the blue and red drops symbolize the blood, sweat and tears we put in to prepare for the performances; the clouds is a literal representation of the "cloud nine" state that audience and performers are in when music is being played; the flowers represent the beauty of music.

Band Tshirt (2011)

Personally, this is one of my favourites. There are over a hundred lines being drawn using photoshop cs 7. Shirt colour was white.

Band tshirt (back) (2010)

Poster (2011)